Volume One Chapter Seven — Steps to Authenticity
December: Forgiveness
1. Forgiveness was a major theme in the original A Course in Miracles. In this book we explore all of the things that can lead to the miracle of forgiveness and all of the miracles that can prevent the need for forgiveness in the first place. In this world, in the kingdom of the ego, forgiveness is a necessary tool for self-preservation. In the spirit realm, where souls roam, there is no forgiveness because there is no condemnation. Forgiveness is the shedding of a false idea. It is usually about others but can be about oneself too. Forgiveness means that an individual has no need or right to condemn. Condemning makes them a liar against God itself because they are saying that God's process for growing and changing is invalid.
2. Forgiveness is the final step towards authenticity or truth telling. In the world of the ego there is no truth, only small degrees of it. Remember that the standard for truth is one hundred percent true one hundred percent of the time. What does forgiveness lead to? It leads to freedom because lies and lying are tyrannical. There is no freedom in tyranny. And there is no freedom in the world of ego, which is, by its nature, a place by and for slaves. Both the slave and the slave master are controlled, and this control prevents freedom and the vision that accompanies it.
3. Forgiveness releases guilt. Without forgiveness, guilt will wreak havoc. Take a look around the world to see what guilt has brought to Mother Gaia. Even the guiltless that roam the streets looking for their next victim, for their next drug fix, feel guilt if even for fleeting seconds. Forgiveness is part and parcel of freedom, and freedom is what is required for a soul-based experience in any world of form, especially this one.
4. Guidelines: Pick a time of day that suits you best and read the step that corresponds to the appropriate month and date. This is your starting point. Simply reflect on what the step means to you and ways to put it into practice. Accept whatever feelings come to the surface as you work your way through the steps. These steps are the beginning of a transformation where love replaces fear, which is no easy feat. Be patient with yourself. You are doing what few have ever been able to do. Now you have the means. Just add a little willingness and you will be a more soulful and less ego-driven being in just a year's time. Godspeed.
5. December 1 Who have you had to forgive multiple times?
6. December 2 Have you been forgiven multiple times by the same person?
7. December 3 Forgiven means overlooked. The slate is wiped clean.
8. December 4 Forgiveness is required for my own peace of mind.
9. December 5 Part of acceptance is that my role in judgment of a situation has made the situation worse.
10. December 6 Accepting more equals judging less.
11. December 7 When I forgive, I give a gift to myself.
12. December 8 I don't need to be forgiven for my sake but for yours.
13. December 9 When I forgive, I start with myself.
14. December 10 I forgive myself for all of the times I believed I fell short.
15. December 11 I forgive myself for any and all harm I may have caused anyone.
16. December 12 I forgive all who either intentionally or unintentionally caused harm to me.
17. December 13 I forgive life for not always delivering the goods I have wanted.
18. December 14 I forgive all others who had it easier than I did.
19. December 15 I forgive all others who had more than I did.
20. December 16 I forgive all others who had less than I did.
21. December 17 I forgive all others who had it harder than me.
22. December 18 I forgive myself for thinking that I know all the facts necessary to judge anyone about anything.
23. December 19 Forgiveness is the key to my happiness now.
24. December 20 My future nows depend on me being free from the past.
25. December 21 This afternoon I can choose to forgive and release the morning.
26. December 22 Without forgiveness my own behavior and judgments are like a chain around my neck.
27. December 23 Without forgiveness the behavior and words emanating from others are like a ball and chain around my ankles.
28. December 24 Forgiveness is the best gift I can give myself.
29. December 25 Forgiveness is the best gift anyone can give themselves.
30. December 26 I know that I cannot rush forgiveness.
31. December 27 Forgiveness needs time to develop and flower.
32. December 28 As I replace a curse with a blessing, I will need to go through the forgiveness process less often.
33. December 29 Without forgiveness my judgments are capable of great harm to myself.
34. December 30 Without forgiveness my judgments are capable of great harm to others.
35. December 31 While I cannot control much of what life shows me, I can control my reactions through forgiveness.
1. Whether you took an entire year to complete the "Steps to Authenticity", or discovered a meaningful way to think about them with your brain and feel them with your soul's heart, the question now is twofold: "What just happened?" and "What's next?"
2. What just happened is that you were able to dig deeply underneath the programmed and conditioned mind to give your soul an opportunity to speak, maybe for the first significant time. It has a lot to say but is usually prevented from saying it. Now you know it is there and you know how to access it. You know the importance of each month's topic.
3. What's next? Next, I would like for you to lead or show the way by example. The former Manual for Teachers in the original course will now be known in this new book as "The Gift of Wisdom." It will be geared towards sharing what you know and supporting emerging souls in the world. This will also be a twelve-month program but with a twist. Let us begin.
End Time: Wednesday, August 10, 2022, 6:16 am